Integrated Kidney Care workshop: Cardio Renal Metabolic Disease for community health care professionals


8:30 am - 1:30 pm


2nd NWL Integrated Kidney Care workshop: Cardio Renal Metabolic Disease  for community health care professionals –  Registration is now open!
We are pleased to be able to share with you the half-day in person integrated kidney care workshop.
Areas of interest: chronic kidney disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and frailty

Date and Venue
Tuesday 8th of October 2023 (08:30-13:30) at  W12 conferences Hammersmith House, Du Cane Road W12 0HS

Programme Aim:
1 – To understand how an integrated care system can support both the clinicians involved in the care of people with CKD and those individuals themselves.
2 – To gain confidence in screening for  and coding of people with CKD.
3 – To gain confidence in the management and optimisation of people with cardio renal metabolic disorders
4 – To understand the importance of activation and education of people with kidney disease in order to best ensure optimal outcomes.

Organising Committee
Andrew Frankel – Consultant Nephrologist ICHT
Gursharon Bains – Assistant Director of Medicines Optimisation
James Tomlinson – Consultant Nephrologist, Head of Specialty ICHT
Joana Teles – Clinical Nurse Specialist, Lead for CKD education in NWL ICHT
Kuldhir Johal -GP (NWL lead for Cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease)
Tony Willis – GP (NWL lead for diabetes, public health and personalisation)

Who is the Course for?

  • GPs
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • PAs

Programme Outline
08:30-09:00 Registration and network

Part 1  – Integrated Kidney Care
– Update from ICB
– New ways of working together

Part 2 – Cardio Renal Metabolic (CRM)
– CRM – what is new
– Table top case discussion with expert moderator

10:30- 11:00 Coffee break and Network

Part 3 – CKD local enhanced service
– CKD screening and coding
– Implementing CKD re-call at PCN level

Part 4 – education and engagement
– Impact of lifestyle on cardiovascular outcomes
– CKD education and engagement
– Living with chronic kidney disease (testimony)

13:00 – 13:30 Lunch and Networking

Admissions are free on a first come first serve policy. Bookings will close on 22/09/2024
For more information please contact Joana Teles [email protected]