National Black History Month event: Reclaiming the Narrative
Chief Nursing Officer and the Chief Midwifery Officer’s Black and Minority Ethnic Strategic Advisory Group
The CNO CMiDO BME SAG are delighted to welcome staff to attend our one-day national Black History Month conference on how YOU can reclaim your narrative.
The newly appointed CNO for England, Duncan Burton, will give the key note address.
We will hear from amazing leaders such as:
Dr Lola Banjoko, Kate Brintworth, Acosia Nyanin, Dr Barbara Stilwell, Professor Habib Naqvi, amongst others…
And an amazing panel and story tellers…
Do join us online to celebrate Black History Month ‘24 together!
To join the meeting go to Microsoft Teams:
Meeting ID: 317 925 915 571
Passcode: i27Hjv