Welcome to the NWL Training Hub
North West London Training Hub is the ‘go to’ place for any information about primary care workforce, education and development. We aim to attract, develop, support and retain our health and social care professionals working across North West London.
What we do
What’s on in your Borough
Recent News
FIT use and the colorectal cancer pathway
23 Apr 2025, 12:45 pm to 1:30 pm – Online
Urological Cancers: Red flags and practical tips
19 Mar 2025, 12:45 pm to 1:30 pm – Online
Immunisation Webinar Series
10 – 13 Mar 2025, 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm – Online
Featured Programmes
Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)
The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) was introduced in 2019 to improve access to general practice. Through the scheme Primary Care Networks (PCNs) can claim reimbursement for salaries of 17 new roles within the Primary Care multidisciplinary team to meet the needs of the local population.
Apprenticeships are on the job training combined with off the job learning leading to national qualifications for clinical and non-clinical roles. Apprenticeship programmes are now available for a wide range of healthcare roles including to Nursing, Nurse Associate, Practice Management and GP Assistant.
Freedom to Speak Up
North West London Training Hubs have launched Freedom to Speak Up Guardians (FTSUGs) within Primary Care. FTSUGs are a cohort of staff across NWL Primary Care, primarily within the Training Hubs, who have completed the necessary national training to support the workforce in speaking up.
Nursing and Healthcare Support Worker Programmes
The general practice nursing workforce must be at the forefront of leading change by delivering better health outcomes in primary care, and by making primary care ‘the place to be’ for ambitious nurses who deliver world class care and support our population to live well. There are a number of opportunities available to nurses at all stages of their career.
This exciting new opportunity is no longer limited to new to practice GPs and nurses and is now open to individuals working in other roles (e.g. Pharmacists) across General Practice in NW London. This offer is open to anyone regardless of how many years you have worked in General Practice, so you can now share your experience and join a project that will impact the workforce and benefit the patient population.
The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) was mandated in 2015 for NHS commissioners and NHS healthcare providers as a means of tackling workforce race inequality across the NHS. The goal of the strategy is to promote a safe, welcoming, and discrimination free environment for all NHS staff, including primary care.
Looking after you: free confidential coaching and support for the primary care workforce. Primary care teams continue to work tirelessly in their communities to provide high quality care and support for their patients. Currently on offer are three separate coaching streams that may be of interest:
Other North West London Learning Sites
The NWL Learning Hub is a Learning Management System (LMS) which provides Primary Care Staff with a variety of training courses and resources in one centralised location.
The learning available on the platform is:
- Clinical System Training Courses – EMIS and SystmOne
- Mandatory Training – allocated dependent on job role
- E-learning for Health (eLFH) courses
- IT Skills Pathway – from basic digital literacy and skills through to advanced Microsoft Excel and Word training
- Training Resources and Videos
If you require further information on the training provided or on any other areas of the clinical systems, please do not hesitate the Primary Care Systems Team.
Telephone Number: 0203 350 4050
Email: [email protected]