Training & Event Booking FAQs
Yes you can cancel your booking. As per our DNA policy your practice may be responsible for costs incurred by staff not attending or by cancelling less than 2 working days before the training. You can cancel your booking via the My Bookings page.
Click Login & Register at the top of the page from here you can select the ‘Lost your password?’ option to reset your password. Please check your junk email if the password reset email doesn’t arrive in your inbox. If you’re still having trouble please do contact us.
You can register to book onto training via the registration form. When you book onto training via our website an account will be created for you so you can log in and manage your bookings.
We do have to cap attendee numbers for some of our training to ensure the best learning experience for all. Most events will have a waitlist enabled so once the event is fully booked you can add yourself to the waitlist. If there any cancellations the first person on the waitlist will be invited to book the training and so on. If we’re able to add additional dates for the training those on the waitlist will also be notified of this and invited to book onto any new training dates.
Closing dates for bookings will vary depending on the training being offered however for many this will be 1 week prior to the date of the training. Some will have closing dates closer to the date of the training.
This will vary depending on who is delivering the training however you should receive this no later than 1 day prior to the training.