Speak Up… Anonymously

North West London Training Hubs have launched Freedom to Speak Up Guardians (FTSUGs) within Primary Care. FTSUGs are a cohort of staff across NWL Primary Care, primarily within the Training Hubs, who have completed the necessary national training to support the workforce in speaking up.

FTSUGs support staff to speak up when they feel that they are unable to do so in other ways. You can speak up about anything that affects you, patient care or your working life. This could be about anything that is troubling you including inappropriate attitudes and behaviours, bullying and / or harassment.

If you would like to speak up you can either email [email protected] to be matched with a guardian or you can also submit your concern or query in the form below.

Once this form is completed a guardian will be assigned to your case and will reach out to you. If you choose to speak up anonymously we cannot follow up the case with you.

Freedom to Speak Up
Name (optional)
Name (optional)