Wound care training for Ealing HCAs and Practice Nurses


11:00 am - 12:45 pm


Bookings closed

11:00-11:45 –Basic Woundcare HCA and Nurses

11:55-12:40 – Woundcare for Nurses

We are thrilled to announce a two-part online wound care training via MS Teams, conducted by the Ealing Community Partners Tissue Viability Team. Tailored for Practice Nurses and Healthcare Assistants (HCAs). The first half delves into foundational wound care essentials and second half, exclusive to Practice Nurses, explores advanced concepts including pathway application, comprehensive dressing types, and debridement techniques. Practice Nurses are encouraged to attend both segments for a holistic understanding of wound care. And we recommend teams to attend together to ensure seamless application of techniques and knowledge.

Other Dates Available

Wound Care Training 6th June 2024

Wound Care Training 3rd September 2024

Wound Care Training 3rd December 2024


This event is fully booked.