Adult Phlebotomy Training


9:15 am - 4:30 pm


Harrow Baptist Church
Harrow Baptist Church, College Road, Harrow, HA1 1BA

This face to face session has been developed to allow learners the opportunity to practice their skills on high quality simulated arms.

We have a  theory based morning, including  what qualities make a good phlebotomist . some basic anatomy and physiology , reasons for phlebotomy , the training and supervision  requirements for all those undertaking this task, a detailed look at all equipment.
Learners will describe how to prepare themselves the room and the patient ready for this procedure, including consent and capacity to make decisions
We explore the correct order for taking samples , contraindications for phlebotomy  and reasons to defer an attempt.

The afternoon session is a simulated training session – with unlimited attempts to obtain a sample on the high quality simulator arms and no one goes away without having been successful on a least a couple of attempts.

After the practical component we discuss common concerns and issuses  associated with phlebotomy , including needle stick injuries , fainting , phobia , inability to obtain a sample , use of wrong equipment etc. and what to do.
There is a comprehensive workbook attached to this day which will form part of their assessment back in practice .