
The launch of the Fasterclass: Simulated Workforce Planning Pilot – September  

Expression of Interest form is NOW OPEN! NHS England London team are launching a brand new 3-day interactive course on the 6 steps of workforce planning, in response to feedback received indicating that stakeholders would value a condensed version of our Integrated Workforce Planning Masterclass.     This is simulated workforce planning where participants will work…


The internet, suicide and self-harm – free training webinar for practitioners

Do you feel confident supporting someone who may be using the internet in relation to their self-harm of suicidal feelings? Are you talking to them about how their online use might affect their wellbeing? The Samartians are running free training webinar for pracitionersWhether you work in primary, secondary or voluntary sector services, Samaritans are here…

History Taking & Physical Assessment and Independent Prescribing Course

If you have been working as a Practice Nurse or Paramedic for more than 2 years and are starting to wonder what to do next, you have several options to think about. The following may help to guide your decision about your next steps: This application is for those nurses/paramedics who wish to specialise and…


2023 – 2024 ARRS Training Offers from the NW London Training Hub

Below are the details of each training offer for various ARRS roles for the current financial year. It will include comms details that have gone out and will be updated as changes are made. NW London Training Hub ARRS Programme Officer – Jon Ord – [email protected] Last updated 17th June 2024, spaces available correct as…

Educational Supervisor Programme

The Educational Supervisor Training Programme is open to all registered pharmacy professionals whether a pharmacist or pharmacy technician who are responsible for overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a period of training, placement, or a series of placements. This includes formal assessment and sign off. Modules Key Features: Requirements to…

Designated Prescribing Practitioner Programme

The ProPharmace Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP) Programme is a multi-professional programme open to any independent prescriber who would like to develop their educational supervision skills to supervise pharmacists on their journey to becoming independent prescribers. The programme is open to independent prescribers with active prescribing experience. Modules Key Features: Requirements to complete the programme: In…

Apprenticeships Survey

NWL Training Hub are conducting a survey to understand what apprenticeships are currently in post and how we can best support practices interested in training and upskilling their staff via apprenticeships and what barriers may be in the way of this. We ask all practice or PCN managers in NWL to complete this by the…