CSMS Access Checks and Training

NHS Digital continue to prepare to launch the new cervical screening management system (CSMS). Once CSMS goes live, Open Exeter will no longer be accessible for NHS Cervical Screening Programme purposes.

All staff who deliver NHS Cervical Screening Programme services and need to use the system, now need to take two key actions:

  1. carry out a check to confirm if you can access CSMS. The access check will not enable you to use CSMS yet, it is to check you have the right permissions to access it when it does go live. You can check your access here and this guidance will support you.
  2. complete CSMS training – the first of two modules is now live on the Learning Hub (you can use your e-Learning for Health login to access). Training must be completed before using the new CSMS. For more information please visit the website.

Alternatively, should you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the CSMS Implementation Team at [email protected]