Educational Supervisor Programme

The Educational Supervisor Training Programme is open to all registered pharmacy professionals whether a pharmacist or pharmacy technician who are responsible for overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a period of training, placement, or a series of placements. This includes formal assessment and sign off.

  • Introduction to Educational Supervision
  • Facilitating Learning
  • Giving Effective Feedback
  • Assessing & Monitoring
  • Supporting Trainees
Key Features:
  • A dynamic, blended learning approach designed to accommodate busy work schedules
  • The opportunity to join peer discussions enabling you to share best practice
  • Choose between video and audio learning to suit your learning style
  • Access to a wealth of resources and the opportunity to get certified
Requirements to complete the programme:

In order to successfully complete the programme and get certified you will be required to:

  • Successfully complete all modules within a 3-month period
  • successfully complete end of programme assessments
What is the cost?

The programme is funded by NHS England and are FREE to join for learners in England.