London Cancer Community of Practice Webinar : Cancer risk assessment
This is one in a series of London Cancer Community of Practice (CoP) webinars.
The CoP was launched in February 2023. It’s a collaboration with Transforming Cancer services Team for London, NHS England (WTE) and Central London Community Health Trust Academy.
It aims to support practice in primary care and community settings through collaboration, joint learning and education.
The group is open to healthcare professionals with an interest in cancer working across primary care, community, secondary care and the third sector. We welcome opportunities to work collaboratively across boundaries to improve patient experience and outcomes.
This webinar is open to colleagues nationally to join.
A calendar invitation will be sent follow the booking to the email you provided when booking.
This webinar will focus on cancer risk assessment.
Speakers: Michelle Weston (Lead Cancer Family History Nurse Specialist) Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Trust
Natasha Dray (Cancer Family History Nurse Specialist) Guys and St Thomas’s NHS trust
The session will cover:
- What is the Cancer Risk Assessment Service?
- Reasons for assessing cancer risk based on family history
- How does the service benefit individuals?
- Recognising the need for a family history assessment or a genetics referral
- Making every contact count – the Nurses role