ECG Interpretation- Foundation


01/11/2024 - 01/12/2024    
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Please note this is a f2f session for GPs & ACPs.

ECG Training Day 1st November 2024

Dear Colleague,
We look forward to welcoming you to the ECG Masterclass Event on 1st November 2024..
The 12 lead ECG is a simple investigation that can be carried out in any healthcare setting. It provides information that can establish a diagnosis as well as guide management across a range of cardiovascular disease.
Across the UK, a greater proportion of ECGs are now being acquired and interpreted within the primary care community. Whilst the benefits for patients are obvious, there is a need to ensure any ECG undertaken in primary care is interpreted by practitioners who have received high quality, accredited training.
This ECG Masterclass has been designed by a GP and Cardiologist specifically to address the needs of front-line clinicians. They were friends at university and have reconnected over a decade later, realising they share the same passion for primary care cardiology up-skilling which they have provided across the UK. The course has been accredited for CPD and certificates will be provided to all attendees.
0900    Registration
0930   Introduction 
            Step by Step Interpretation of the ECG – Get it right every time
            The ECG in Chest Pain
            Tachy and Bradyarrhythmias
            Weird and Wonderful ECGs
            Rapid Fire ECGs/ECG Quiz
1600     Close
Testimonials from attendees at previous courses include:
“The best ECG training ever”
“Finally I understand the ECG”
“This course should be mandatory for all”

The session will be delivered by Dr Ravi Assomull Consultant Cardiologist

Please note :
Lunch will NOT be provided.
Parking is not provided, this is individual responsibility.
This is a face to face session for GPs & ACPs.
Teas & Coffees will be available