Introduction to working with Substance Misusers


9:30 am - 1:00 pm


This course is open to the 3 Personalised Care ARRS roles – Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health & Wellbeing Coaches & Care Coordinators.

This course will take place remotely and is limited to 20 spaces on each group. (Further courses may be commissioned dependent on uptake)

All staff who wish to attend this course must be sent to Jon Ord – NWL ARRS Programme Officer – [email protected] – please let me know both which course(s) you wish to sign up for clearly and if you may have any learning needs in advance of the session so I can inform the provider.

The information required for each staff member is;

  • Name
  • Email
  • Role
  • PCN
  • Borough
  • Employer

An important reminder that all courses are being funded by the NW London Training Hub. Practices, PCNs, Employers and Employees must plan their time effectively to attend these courses as any DNA’s will be liable by the PCNs/Employers to cover the cost of the course.