Care Coordinator

Care Coordinators play an important role within a Primary Care Network (PCN).  Primary care networks are a collection of GP practices working together across an area with community, mental health, social care and voluntary services.  Some roles in primary care work across a primary care network.

Care coordinators collaborate with individuals, particularly the frail/elderly or those with long-term conditions.

They aid in the coordination and navigation of care and support across various health and care services and facilitate appropriate connections between patients and the relevant teams. Care coordinators can provide extra time and capacity to support patients – they play a vital role in empowering individuals to take a more active role in their own health and care.  The support provided is tailored to the individual and can include providing information or sign posting.

Within social care it’s likely a care coordinator will take on an active role in supporting people to remain in their own home and access the support or services they need – it could also be responsible for providing housing and employment support.

Training Requirements

Care Coordinators require a strong foundation in enabling and communication skills as set out in the core Curriculum for Personalised Care. These can be achieved via a two day health coaching skills course and additional training as guided by NHS England.

Care Coordinators should also access statutory and mandatory training, including but not limited to:

  • principles of information governance, accountability and clinical governance
  • maintenance of accurate and relevant records of agreed care and support needs
  • identify when it is appropriate to share information with carers and do so
  • the professional and legal aspects of consent, capacity, and safeguarding

Care Coordinators should be familiar with the six components of the universal model for personalised care with a specific focus on:

  • support for self-management
  • personalised care and support planning
  • shared decision making
  • social prescribing
  • personal health budgets

News and Resources

Expressions of Interest Training

Managing Expectations, Boundaries and Conflict – Half Day Training session for the ARRS Personalised Care roles

The course will be open to the 3 Personalised Care ARRS roles – Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health & Wellbeing Coaches & Care Coordinators. The NW London Training hub have been working with The Jen Group based on feedback from the NW London Personalised Care Networking forum. The course ‘Managing Expectations, Boundaries, and Conflict’ will…

Expressions of Interest Training

Introduction to support options for individuals with No Recourse to Public Funds – Half Day Training session for the ARRS Personalised Care roles

The course will be open to the 3 Personalised Care ARRS roles – Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health & Wellbeing Coaches & Care Coordinators. The NW London Training hub have been working with a charity called Project 17 based on feedback from the NW London Personalised Care Networking forum. The course ‘Introduction to support options…

Expressions of Interest Training

2 or 4 Day Coaching Course for ARRS Social Prescribing Link Workers, Care Coordinators and Health & Wellbeing Coaches

The NW London training hub has decided to support further new recruitment with these 3 Personalised Care roles via the ARRS routes within PCNs by funding a DES required PCI coaching course – either the 2 day or 4 day course dependant on the role. If you have any questions about this training please contact…