The Carbon Literacy Project and elearning for Healthcare

In partnership with The Carbon Literacy Project and elearning for Healthcare, Greener NHS has developed a training pathway for all NHS staff that bridges the gap between climate policy and action to embed low carbon culture within the NHS workforce and support staff to deliver on Green Plans.

The training consists of:

  • Basic climate science
  • Policy context
  • The relationship between climate and health
  • The co-benefits of climate action
  • Identifying impactful carbon reduction actions
  • Climate action and communicating with others

Once you have completed the elearning, it is important that you book a place for an upcoming follow-up workshop to complete your training. NHS staff can become facilitators and begin delivering sessions internally for their staff using the bank of certificates held by Greener NHS (these usually cost £10 per learner). After becoming certified Carbon Literate,  please contact [email protected], who can instruct you on facilitating training and accessing supporting materials and certificates.