The Population Health Management & Health Equity Academy

Following the successful delivery of recent co- production training earlier this year we are pleased to announce further dates have been made available in October, and are reserved for Primary Care colleagues.

If you are interested in learning about what co-production is (and isn’t!), and some of the techniques you can use to help plan for and deliver our services in collaboration with our communities do book your place via the link here: NHS NW London co-production training (PRIMARY CARE ONLY) Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

What can I expect from the training?

Training is split over 2 half days (14th & 28th October) in which you will get:                             

  • an overview of co-production, what it is/isn’t in its relationship to engagement and best practice principles  
  • an understanding of the positive benefits/outcomes achieved through implementing an asset-based approach 
  • practical approaches and techniques to support/enable/deliver co-production in partnership with NW London populations (e.g. appreciative enquiry, deliberative approaches, mini publics etc) 
  • exploration of practical considerations such as planning, timescales, asset/stakeholder mapping and evaluation 
  • an opportunity to share and discuss best practice and local examples of good co-production, alongside learning from when it has not been so successful/pitfalls to avoid 
  • practical examples on how to approach difficult decision-making without losing power-sharing principles 

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For more information on other training resources available via the NW London Population Health Management & Health Equity Academy please visit