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Recording : Webinar-Workshop – Understanding social welfare advice issues for General Practice teams

The recording covers: Webinar-Workshop – Understanding social welfare advice issues for General Practice teams “Why treat people only to send them back to the conditions that made them sick in the first place?”                                               …

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Recording : Preventing Diabetes: NDPP Updates

The recording covers: Preventing Diabetes: NDPP Updates, Second Nature & GDM Pathway, 24th April 13.00-13.45.  Thrive Tribe, your local NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme(NDPP) provider, is hosting an informative webinar on diabetes prevention, featuring updates on NDPP, Second Nature and the GDM(gestational diabetes) pathway.Those joining the webinar will hear from Dr. Richard Pile and his expertise in diabetes prevention strategies, with a focus on their significance during pregnancy,…

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Lunch Time Session – NWL DPCSP – EMIS Webinar

You can access the recording & session handouts here: NWL DPCSP Webinar What is the NWL Care Planning 2024/25 (PCSP) template – EMIS users The NWL Digital Personalised Care and Support Plan (DPCSP) is a simple and effective tool for clinical staff and others working with patients.  Genuinely personalised care planning is at the heart of person centred care for patients, and…