Training for the Enhanced Service for Coil Fitting

There is a new Enhanced Service (ES) to provide the fitting of coils for non-contraceptive purposes (see attached). It is hoped that eventually every PCN will have a clinician that is able to fit coils for their PCN population. However, the training can be onerous so this may take some time!

There is training available that is run by Chelsea and Westminster as per below. But depending on where you are based, you may want to reach out to your nearest Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) trainer. Please contact [email protected] for further information.


  1. Even though the coils that need to be fitted for this ES are for non-contraceptive purposes, you need to have a very good level of knowledge to pass exams in Contraceptive and Sexual Health. Therefore, anyone applying needs to show that they have this foundation knowledge and experience.
  2. If you are a lapsed coil fitter, then there is refresher training available as per attached (£125).
  3. If you are new to coil fitting, then you can take 2 routes:


Find your nearest FSRH Trainer
(Ask Sally in the NWL Training Hub re this)

Go straight to do the OTA which is an exam. You will need a very good level of Sexual Health knowledge to pass it. (£85)

If you pass it, then you do an online e-srh module (number 15) (free)

Then you can apply to do your Letters of Competence (LoC) For example, if you chose to do it with Chelsea and Westminster as attached, it would take 8 sessions (£750)
You can do this with other FSRH Trainers across NWL.

Route 2

Find your nearest FSRH Trainer
(Ask Sally in the NWL Training Hub re this)

If you need to gain further SH knowledge, or if you fail the OTA, then you will need to do the FSRH Diploma Education & Training – Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (
This takes a while to complete. You can attend training sessions as per the document here –  8 sessions (£600) or again you can apply to a different trainer closer to you

Then you need to be assessed to pass the Diploma which takes half a day. See AHD as attached (£300)

If you pass the Diploma, you do not need to do the OTA.

Then you can apply to do your Letters of Competence (LoC) for coil fitting. For example, if you chose to do it with Chelsea and Westminster details here,  it would take 8 sessions (£750)
You can do this with other FSRH Trainers across NWL.


There are many demands on the Enhanced Services Training Budget. We will therefore need to limit the numbers of staff that we fund and the amount per person.

We will be limiting this funding to ONE clinician per PCN and capping the amount at £1500 per person. This means that your PCN will need to top up some of the costs if you need to follow Route 2.


  1. Read and digest above
  2. Click on the link to the FSRH and read through their training pages to grasp the process  Education & Training – Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (
  3. Complete this application form and send back to [email protected]