Respiratory PCN CHAMPION – SIGN UP BY 26/07/24

As outlined in the specification, we are recommending that each PCN nominate a respiratory champion. The role of the respiratory champion is to support with delivery requirements within the respiratory enhanced service specification and is further outlined in the role description HERE.

Please complete this form if you are interested in either becoming the Respiratory Champion in your PCN or if you wish to apply for further training.

The NWL Training Hub have allocated enough funding to cover the cost of the following:

  • 2 Members of staff to be members of the Primary Care Respiratory Society (one of whom needs to be the PCN Champion). The PCRS has a vast amount of resources available on guidelines, running clinics etc and can be used to support you to develop your respiratory expertise
  • 1 Member of staff to undertake an Advanced Respiratory Module with Rotherham Respiratory (Max spend £580 per person – you can choose to study elsewhere and use this amount to contribute towards the cost).
  • Access to CPD to pay for Foundation Modules in Asthma and COPD for Nurses and AHPs
  • Access to Foundation Modules for Pharmacists – max 1 per PCN

Please complete this form specifying what you are applying for funding to do and return this to [email protected] and feel free to contact with any queries. If you are the nominated champion, you must have approval of your PCN Clinical Director. We request you nominate a champion by CoP on 26th July 2024.